News from Atol Solutions
We Welcome The Ornamental Forge Schellevis
The Forge is established some years ago by Simon Schellevis in Friesland. He has asked Atol Solutions to revamp his current website ( The main purpose of his presence on the web, is to show his portfolio of his works, for gates, displays, tools, sculptures, garden ornaments. Also he presents and gives exhibition of his tradesmanship on fairs, other forges and gives workshops.
He also designs and realizes custom works for people with a design in mind.
We have successfully ported the content of the current site and made it into a professional nice looking site, which also enables him to update and posts blogs and events that he participates in, such as the Frisian Museum Village in Allingawier. Naturally the site is now responsive for any device.
We are in the process of selecting a new hosting party and will migrate the new site to it.
It has been a pleasure working with Simon and hope he gets a lot of traction on his new site, with all the state-of-the-art tools, firewall, backup facilities and the like.
If you like you can view the new site, click here!
About Simon
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