Atol Solutions is extremely happy to be affiliated with Elastic Mail, a mostly FREE service to send Mass Emails, such as NewsLetters & Campaigns. Elastic Mail offers excellent support and can protect you from embarrassing SPAM or BLOCKING engines. You can order at a low price a unique IP address. Elastic Mail saves you money from upgrading your hosting service or dedicated IP's if you do Shared Hosting. You can send 25,000 emails per month for FREE and it is used by many reputable companies around the world. Their support is excellent and you have your mail problems solved in no time.
When you choose to use Elastic Email, either on our free email delivery platform or when using some of our paid services we hope you'll feel good about it. Both because you're saving money and because you'll be making the world a better place. One tree at a time.
The Cost of Email
Email is one of the fundamental technologies of the internet. When people get their first Email address they "join" the open community of the internet. It is the first, longest lasting and most open social network on the planet and the backbone of digital commerce. Every day billions of legitimate emails (and even more spam) are sent from person to person. Nearly every company in the world uses or invests in Email. Email has become so common that we rarely think about the technology that delivers it, blocks it, reads it and stores it. Worldwide there are millions of servers processing these massive amounts of mail. The numbers are staggering. There is at least 3X more email stored in servers worldwide than all the web pages of the internet put together. All that processing and storage takes a lot of servers and a lot of energy.
What if we could reduce the energy requirements of delivering all this email by 10%? 20%? We'd use less electricity, fewer servers, save money and improve the world.
It is difficult to quantify exactly the costs of email worldwide but it is safe to say that even small improvements in the efficiency of email delivery could result in huge cost savings for the global economy. What if we could reduce the energy requirements of delivering all this email by 10%? 20%? We'd use less electricity, fewer servers, save money and improve the world.
A Better Way
It was with these costs in mind that we started Elastic Email. Our goal is to create the worlds most efficient email delivery platform.
By creating a hyper-efficient platform using the latest technologies (instead of 20-30 year old mail transfer agents) we can improve upon one of the fundamental technologies of the internet. Helping improve the planet and passing cost savings onto business owners at the same time.
To achieve this goal we started building from the ground up. With Elastic Email every line of code has been written by our team right down to the protocol level.
To achieve this goal we started building from the ground up. Most ESP's use old established mail servers to send their mail. They pay those companies for their software and add a margin which their customers pay. With Elastic Email every line of code has been written by our team right down to the protocol level. We knew this would be a much higher initial investment cost but would result in a better, faster, more efficient service that can benefit our customers (and the world!).
To gain efficiency each line of code must be considered, eliminating bloat and unnecessary steps, but perhaps even more important is considering the nature of Email as a global network. This means a global solution that can efficiently deliver mail from point to point taking the shortest route possible. To solve this problem we have built a global network of inbound and outbound servers which can intelligently identify where an email is coming from and where it must go and find the fastest, most efficient way to deliver that mail.
Atol Solutions is excited about using this mostly FREE service for our Newsletter Customers. Elastic Mail enable you to send 25,000 emails per month for FREE! To protect reputation, problems with SPAM ticks on your email or other conditions, make this a powerful service. We highly recommend them and the cost is minimal in comparison with upgrading your hosting service, dedicated IP;
When you choose to use Elastic Email, either on our free email delivery platform or when using some of our paid services we hope you'll feel good about it. Both because you're saving money and because you'll be making the world a better place. One tree at a time.
Cost Savings
So what does all this efficiency mean for you, our customers? Ultimately, it means cost savings. Our investments in efficiency are paying off. This allows us to be the lowest cost provider of email while maintaining top of the industry standards in reliability, scalability and delivery.
Our investments in efficiency are paying off. This allows us to be the lowest cost provider of email while maintaining top of the industry standards in reliability, scalability and delivery.
We will continue to push down the cost so that more and more mail can be sent in the most effective way. This will result in further cost savings for our customers and partners and further reductions in our environmental impact! Something that we, the Elastic Email team, firmly believe is important for every company to consider.
Email Saves Trees
One of the early positive arguments for the use of Email was the reduction in energy costs for mail delivery and also the amount of paper saved. This is certainly something that has come true and today millions of trees are saved by sending email instead of paper.
However, the reality of the overall environmental impact of Email vs paper mail is much more nuanced. As outlined above the true cost now comes from all the data centers required to send the mail. Something we work on reducing every day.
We still like the idea of saving trees though. So as a team Elastic Email has decided to donate a percentage of our profits to Non-Profit organizations that help save trees directly. When you choose to use Elastic Email, either on our free email delivery platform or when using some of our paid services we hope you'll feel good about it. Both because you're saving money and because you'll be making the world a better place. One tree at a time.