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Site Software Maintenance & Improvements September 2020

Site Software Maintenance & Improvements September 2020

Atol Solutions Web Design & Development

Tel: 865-742-4564 / 06 3813 5859

Dear Visitor,

We hope you are doing well during these stressful and painful times, be and stay safe!

We like to inform you of the updates applied recently to your site, as per our software agreement. We always check the site after updates and all is working as before.

  1. Backup Manager
  2. Sitemap
  3. Table Manager
  4. Image Optimizer
  5. Document Manager
  6. Event Manager
  7. Administrator Functions/Plugins

During October we will be installing a new service for your website(s) to increase blocking of emails sent from the site and to provide the ability to blacklist email addresses. We have selected Cleantalk ( All site related information is managed on the Cleantalk service, not on your site and with an API on your site the service is invoked.

There is no charge for this service and we hope it improves issues with emails from your site. 

We are happy to be of service and always strive to improve the experience for your visitor / customer.

Kind Regards,

Abraham Tol

CEO Atol Solutions


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