By Atol Solutions on Monday, 26 January 2015
Category: Clients

Welcomes Fire by Night as new client

We are elated and happy to announce that Fire by Night located in Loudon, Tennessee has become a new client. Owner Debbie Maynard and Atol Solutions have worked on exciting new concepts to make the presence of this new company, exceptional on the web, with fabulous photography and exceptional moments.

Naturally the new web presence, aside from a most attractive photopraphy front and solid technology (responsive, content management, plug and play), Fire by Night can now put in it's store front ususual images and videos, show latest works and even sell on-online. We shall commence, initially, to catalog the inventory of images and albums. This effort takes a while and will be completed in time by the staff of Fire by Night. We make sure that Fire by Nigh  can make optimum use of social media channels and provide detail information on its photography.

We also designed the site for search optimization for search engines (Google etc), provide statistics of site's performance and highly sophisticated tools to protect the site against the ever growing hacker/spammer communities arouned the world, as well as block market areas that are not relevant to the business.

Special features offered are also blogging of news/specials/events to promote its business and  newsletters.

And we are ready to incorporate on a plug-and-play basis further needs and wishes to support the business

We intend to go live, after training of personel, on March 1, 2015 on a  professional hoster, all part of our A-Z solutions.

Thank you Debbie Maynard  and staff for the trust in us and looking forward to a mutual rewarding and long business relation.

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