By Atol Solutions on Monday, 08 November 2021
Category: Clients

We welcome LGN (Lijst Groen Noordenveld)

We are delighted to work with LGN, a local political party in Noordenveld, Drenthe. They have been campaigning for the interests of the inhabitants of Noordenveld for over a decade. The faction, faction specialists and support group are close to the residents and are accessible, independent, active, social and reliable. We worked with faction member Christine Stille and had to overcome all kinds of obstacles on the prior technical organization, but resolved all.

The mission of the party had to be translated into a site that allures to (aspirant) members and promote LGN and its members, in balance. The site is to support all goals being:

  1. Promotions for events/agenda entries;
  2. Polling the community;
  3. Member registration, donations and membership payments via Ideal and other forms of payment;
  4. Share and self-publish amendments, news, topics and more with restrictions based on authorityl Moderation of publications and reactions;
  5. Communicate about faction leaders and political programs/elections;
  6. Enable members to use the site for their own topics, contact information and otherwise';
  7. and more....

And together we have accomplished this in a relative short period of time. 

We thank LGN for their trust in us and looking forward to add functionality as needed and being webmaster to update the system software as needed.

Take a look at what we have accomplished, click here.


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