News from Atol Solutions

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Launch of The Tuscany Website on November 19, 2013

Launch of The Tuscany Website on November 19, 2013

The new Tuscany website is LIVE. So excited to work with The Tuscany, a luxury boutique resort in Turks and Caicos on branding, design of the new website and development. We are  most grateful to have delivered the desired results together. We thank the Tuscany Management, Terria Misick and Elizabeth Campbell, Turks and Caicos Reservation Center, Chris Desa and Val Kalliecharan… and last but not least Your Image Marketing for the most elegant look-and-feel of the site. Chapeau to all!

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Launch of site for Dietician / Orthomolecular therapist Petra Kersten

Launch of site for Dietician / Orthomolecular therapist Petra Kersten

We are happy to announce the launch of the website for Petra Kersten - . We started on the road to discovery and implementation awhile ago. And now Petra has a platform to promote her services.

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Design and Development of Your Image Inc ~ Skin Care

Design and Development of Your Image Inc ~ Skin Care

Enthused and proud to work with Your Image, Inc on a new and unique presentation and platform to share Experience and Knowledge about Skin Care Services and Products. The collaboration and creativity between us is wonderful and exciting and the design elements elegant and beautiful.

Thank you Your Image Inc. for this great experience and look forward to our further collaborations.

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Design and Development of Whirwind Productions promotion

Design and Development of Whirwind Productions promotion

Enthused and proud to work with Whirlwind Productions, LLC on a new and unique presentation of the works of Cinthia D. Stafford. The intention is to promote her book(s) and illustrations for children, named K-9 On Board as well as the The Door of Hope Learning Center for Children a non-profit initiative by Cinthia D. Stafford, to fullfill her dreams to support and be there for children in the world as well as for their dreams and hopes. All for the Children in our World!

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Final Stage of development ~ The ebooks for author Jaap Rameijer

Final Stage of development ~ The ebooks for author Jaap Rameijer

With Jaap Rameijer we have worked hard and passionately for the past months to produce e-books from his writings and pictures. We have almost concluded the development, make-up and illustrations of his major recent works. It has been an iterative process to come to the right presentation and content, but the results are just fabulous. Jaap Rameijer has written, Jamie on his Cloud (Jamie son sur Nuage), Mary Magdalene in France and The Beauty and Message of Orbs. For the latter two books, he has included 100's of his special pictures, which are just incredible. And Jamie on his Cloud has been translated in French by Ms. Schoetel.

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